Introduction to PDNS

PDNS is a product for managing DNS, both authoritative and recursive.


Usage Modes

The product is deployed in two modes: Cloud and OnPremise.

In the Cloud mode, each client receives a Reseller account, from which administrative logins can be created to set up Companies and within them, DNS Zones.

In the OnPremise mode, the client receives a SuperAdministrator account and has the additional ability to create Resellers, who can in turn create Companies that can create Zones.

Both schemes align with the concept of Multi-tenancy, which allows for granular permissions and delegation of responsibilities.

In both cases, an HTTPS Web interface, an HTTPS API, and at least two authoritative Bind9 servers are available, optionally along with one or more recursive Bind9 servers or resolvers.

OnPremise Requirements

To deploy an OnPremise installation, Virtual or Physical Machines are required with

Operating Systems and packages

RedHat9 with Fedora ISC package

Ubuntu22 with ISC package

Debian12 with native 9.18.24 package

In this way, we ensure versions of

Base Software

ISC Bind 9.18.24 or higher

Python 3.9 or higher

MariaDB 10.5 or higher,

as well as kernels with modern cryptographic capabilities, e.g., excluding deprecated protocols like SHA1, or using SHA256 as the default.

Virtual machines can be KVM from Openstack or Proxmox, VMWare, or VirtualBox.

Obviously, virtual servers from Public Clouds such as AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Azure, Linode, etc., can be used.


The version of Bind used by PDNS since September 2022 is 9.16.33, which fixes CVE-2022-2906, CVE-2022-3080, CVE-2022-38177, and CVE-2022-38178. However, starting in February 2024, we use version 9.18.24 which fixes Keytrap, the resolver exploit that recognizes DNSSEC (CVE-2023-50387).

Recursive Servers

The deployment of recursive servers or Resolvers is also done OnPremise, in the Planisys Cloud, or in other Public Clouds, with the same operating system requirements.

In the case of Resolvers, one or more Load-Balancers are used to balance traffic over recursive servers in UDP and TCP, allowing protocols such as DNS-over-HTTPS and DNS-over-TLS, and balancing according to the load distribution measured in QPS or Queries-Per-Second distributed among the Resolvers.


It should be noted, however, that while DoH and DoT are protocols that improve browsing privacy on exposed public networks (e.g., public Wifi), they can also be dangerous in polymorphic viruses that within an organization make DNS queries to execute Command & Control functions. The deployment of DoH and DoT protocols should be done within the framework of a Cybersecurity policy with a risk assessment or Risk Assessment. The risk lies in providing malware with a means to camouflage and blend with legitimate traffic.


Using DNS-over-HTTPS and DNS-over-TLS is recommended on corporate laptops/portables/tables/mobiles that operate physically outside the corporate environment.

If deploying more than one Load-Balancer, it is recommended to use resolv.conf options to minimize timeouts and allow round-robin distribution among the LBs.

The installation of RPZ or Response Policy Zones with more than 500k malicious domains as part of Zero-Day Feed is an optional product that operates as Endpoint Protection.

However, a list of domains can be configured for which the Load-Balancer provides a direct negative response, as part of the PDNS product.

Another optional feature within PDNS is to provide a Blackhole Landing, which is a web page where one lands with the web browser when resolving certain domains provided by the client manually via the PDNS web interface, to include them in RPZ. This optional product is useful as Endpoint Protection for browsing, e.g., to catch malicious links sent by SMS or WhatsApp or emails or even within a web page. Its effectiveness has been tested in massive SMS attacks on large corporations to minimize the impact.

User Roles

There are 4 possible roles:



Reseller Administrator

Reseller Operator

Company Operator

The Superadministrator can create, delete, and modify any of the users with lower roles, but cannot modify or delete other Superadministrators.

NS-Sets and Authoritative Nameservers

An NS-Set is a group of authoritative servers that share a TSIG SHA-256 key for zone transfers from a primary to secondary servers. Every domain is delegated to a group of authoritative servers, for which NS records are declared within the same zone.

The primary server has a CI/CD pipeline that instantly reflects changes made via WEB or API in the zones, in the zone list, or in ACL configurations to allow zone-transfers, and notifies the secondary servers if there are changes in the zone records via the DNS NOTIFY protocol.

The secondary servers also have a similar CI/CD pipeline, to eventually reconfigure if there are changes in the zone list or in the ACL transfer permissions.

Zone transfer permissions, when dealing with Master zones (i.e., those delegated to an NS-SET), are established based on a secret TSIG apart from IPs as an anti-spoofing measure, because the zone is also transferred with a signature or hash that uses the TSIG key.

When declaring an authoritative server for a zone, we must ensure that it is registered with ICANN. For this, we consult the website and enter the nameserver name to which we want to delegate a domain.


If the nameserver we want to use is not listed as valid, we must declare its name and IP address in the Registrar where the domain was purchased, e.g., Godaddy, Gandi, Verisign, etc.

If you want to delegate a domain, e.g.,, to nameservers and, these nameservers are known as Glue Records because they belong to the same domain they serve as authoritative for. Of course, they must be declared in the Registrar before delegating the domain to them.

The user must verify, before creating an NS-SET or list of authoritative servers, that they are declared with ICANN, otherwise an error will occur when trying to resolve the zone. Although PDNS allows defining authoritative servers, it has no way of verifying that they are declared with ICANN.


An Access Control List is a list of CIDR blocks or IP addresses (ipv4 or ipv6), and possibly TSIG keys, to apply as permissions so that a zone under our administration can be transferred to an external server.

The transfer action is known as AXFR, and by default is completely denied, so a list of authentication conditions must be explicitly provided.

The purpose of an ACL is to apply it to a zone to allow it to be transferred to a server outside our networks, for example, if a client requires having a copy of their zones on their own servers.

This case occurs when a domain is marked as allowed to transfer, in which case it is mandatory to assign an ACL to determine what the transfer permissions are. The “transfer permissions” are requirements that the server requesting the content of a zone must meet (there must be a match in the ipv4 address, ipv6 address, or TSIG key, which is usually a hash generated via SHA256).

In case you want to massively mark a large number of domains as allowed to transfer with an ACL, it is more convenient to use the PDNS API rather than doing it through the Web interface.


Reverse Zones vs Direct Zones

A reverse zone is a zone that has PTR records to specify reversals of IP addresses in both IPv4 and IPv6. During the web setup, the block for which reverse lookup is desired is specified in CIDR format, and PDNS translates it to format. Reverse zones also obligatorily require SOA (mandatory Start-Of-Authority) and NS (Nameserver) records.

A direct zone can contain, in addition to the mandatory SOA and NS, records of type CAA, SRV, A, AAAA, TXT, CNAME, ALIAS or DNAME (similar to CNAME but allowed at the top or Apex of the zone, resolved by a Resolver) and MX.

These records are known as RRs or Resource Records.

Delegación de zonas

La delegación de un dominio que cuelga debajo de un TLD (como p.ej. .com, o .co , o .ar) , así como las delegaciones de sub-TLDs (p.ej. deben realizarse en el Registrar correspondiente. Lo mismo vale para reversos, por ej. yendo a para delegar a los nameservers que corresponda la resolución reversa.

Los registros NS no pueden apuntar a un CNAME

En el sistema de nombres de dominio (DNS), los registros NS (Name Server) son fundamentales para la delegación de un dominio, ya que indican qué servidores son responsables de responder consultas sobre una zona específica. Sin embargo, según los estándares DNS, un registro NS nunca debe apuntar a un CNAME (alias).

Esto está prohibido por las especificaciones RFC 1912 (Sección 2.4) y RFC 2181 (Sección 10.3), debido a los problemas de resolución que esto puede generar.

RFC 2181 (Seccion 10.3)


¿Por qué no se permite esta configuración?

  1. Las delegaciones deben ser directas

Un NS debe apuntar siempre a un nombre de host con un registro A o AAAA, no a un CNAME.

  1. Riesgo de resolución en bucle

Algunos resolvers no siguen CNAMES en delegaciones de NS, lo que puede causar que el dominio se vuelva irresoluble.

  1. Inconsistencia entre la delegación del TLD y la resolución final

El TLD delega a un NS que luego es un CNAME, lo que genera discrepancias y puede hacer que algunos usuarios no puedan resolver el dominio correctamente.

El uso de CNAME en registros NS es un error grave y debe evitarse. Siempre que se configure un servidor de nombres, debe asegurarse de que los registros NS apunten a nombres que tengan registros A o AAAA válidos. De lo contrario, el dominio puede volverse inaccesible para algunos usuarios y provocar problemas de resolución en toda la infraestructura de DNS.

Delegaciones rengas o lame delegations

Por otro lado, los autoritativos a los que resuelve una zona segun el Registrar, deben responder todos con al menos el mismo conjunto de registros NS que lo que se ha declarado en el registrar. Decimos al menos porque es posible en los autoritativos agregar stealth servers, es decir servidores agregados pero que no figuran en el Registrar.

Estos stealth servers también deben respetar que el conjunto de registros NS sea el mismo que en los nameservers declarados. Los stealth servers, si bien no están declarados en el registrar, deben mantener la coherencia en su configuración de NS para evitar problemas.

Si algún nameserver , ya sea declarado o stealth , no responde con el conjunto completo de registros NS , tenemos una lame delegation. Es decir un query puede fallar en función de los resolvers.

Para que una delegación sea válida, todos los nameservers autoritativos de una zona deben responder con el mismo conjunto de registros NS que fueron declarados en el registrar del dominio. Sin embargo, una lame delegation ocurre cuando:
  • Un servidor autoritativo listado en el registrar no responde correctamente o no contiene todos los registros NS esperados.

  • Un servidor stealth (autoridad adicional no listada en el registrar) no mantiene coherencia en los registros NS.

  • Un resolver obtiene respuestas inconsistentes dependiendo de qué servidor responde, lo que genera fallos intermitentes en la resolución.

El mundo de los resolvers

Cuando se establecen reglas como las de evitar lame delegation o la de prohibir CNAMEs en los registros NS, no se está pensando en los Resolvers públicos , sino más bien en los cientos de millones de CPEs o routers tipo ADSL o Fibra que corren un resolver, y adhieren a las RFCs.

Muchas veces los Resolvers Públicos no adhieren a las RFCs como las nombradas anteriormente, para facilitar la resolución a quien consulte específicamente. Pero tienen el lado negativo de ocultar problemas de delegación. Esto puede ocultar problemas reales y dar la falsa sensación de que un dominio funciona correctamente, cuando en realidad tiene errores de configuración

Este problema no solo afecta a resolvers pequeños, sino también a entornos corporativos y proveedores de Internet que implementan resolvers más estrictos.

Recomendaciones para Evitar Lame Delegations

Para garantizar una delegación correcta y evitar problemas de resolución, es fundamental:
  1. Mantener la coherencia en los registros NS:

Todos los nameservers deben devolver el mismo conjunto de registros NS, tanto los declarados en el registrar como los stealth.
  1. Verificar la delegación con herramientas DNS:

Se recomienda usar herramientas como dig, nslookup o para detectar discrepancias en la delegación.
  1. Evitar servidores stealth mal configurados:

Si se agregan stealth nameservers, asegurarse de que reflejen exactamente la misma información que los servidores listados en el registrar.
  1. Hacer pruebas con distintos resolvers:

No confiar solo en resolvers públicos. Probar con resolvers de diferentes ISPs y entornos empresariales para detectar posibles fallos.


PDNS supports DNSSEC and allows obtaining via web the necessary information to provide the parent domain with a DS record with the items linking to the DNSKEY record to have a verified parent/child inheritance chain (Chain of Trust):

DS Record


Algorithm (e.g., ECDSAP256SHA256)

Hash Algorithm (typically SHA256)



These are the data that a Registrar typically requests when we buy a domain and want it to have DNSSEC, as a DNSKEY record containing the public key that signs the zone must be published, and the DS record in the parent zone must contain a hash of that public key. This is known as Chain of Trust.

When a zone is marked as DNSSEC, PDNS automatically creates a key pair (public and private), securely storing the private one, and publishing the public one in the DNSKEY record. This is known as ZSK or Zone-Signing-Key.

Resolvers, when resolving records from a DNSSEC zone, verify the authenticity of the obtained records using the public key from the DNSKEY. The primary authoritative server, upon each addition or change of records (Resource Records), signs the record using the private key of the ZSK.


DNSSEC uses public key cryptography or PKC to verify the authenticity of the data (verifying the sender) and their integrity (ensuring they were not modified while being transported over the Internet). However, this should not be confused with privacy, as DNS records are transported in clear text, unless query protocols like DNS-over-TLS or DNS-over-HTTP are used.

Chain of Trust

The process that occurs, for example, when we want to access a website from a PC, Mac, Cell Phone, or Tablet, is that we need a DNS Resolver to translate a name, e.g.,, to an IP address (ipv4 or ipv6, depending on the network where our device is).

So that the resolver, when attempting to obtain the IP address of, is not poisoned by a malicious attacker (Cache Poisoning), a chain of trust is established through authenticated delegation records via DNSSEC, allowing it to reach one of the authoritative servers for the domain, which will provide the correct response.

The Resolvers provided by PDNS have DNSSEC validation enabled to verify the Chain of Trust.



The PDNS web interface is currently available in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. You can access the language settings in Settings by clicking on the icon at the top right.


Última actualización en 2025-01-30