Welcome to Planisys Documentation
- DMDS - Data Mining & Delivery Services
- Introduction to DMDS REST API
- DMDS API REST v1.5 Documentation using CURL
- Changes from v1.4 to v1.5: number of events and paginated events
- Changes from v1.3 to v1.4: archiving of sent emails (requires archiving license)
- Changes from v1.2 to v1.3 - Whitelisting
- Changes from v1.1 to v1.2 - API version
- Get API Version
- Changes from v1.0 to v1.1 - Revalidate and Invalidate
- GET Contact Example
- Curl on Microsoft Windows
- Contact Whitelist
- Returns contact information
- List invalid contacts
- Create or update a contact
- Associate one or more bases with a new or existing contact
- Set field values for a new or existing contact
- Invalidate a contact (introduced in v1.1)
- Revalidate a contact (introduced in v1.1)
- Invalidate a contact - deprecated (v1.0)
- Create a Campaign
- Send an email to a single recipient with HTML URI
- Send an email to a recipient with HTML URL and attachments
- Send an email to a single recipient with HTML URI
- Send an email to a single recipient with HTML URI
- Send an email to more than one recipient with HTML inline
- Campaign APIKEYs
- List campaigns
- Create a group or base
- List filters
- List global variables and their values
- Create global variables
- Delete global variables
- Sent Mail Query
- Event Query
- Use of Reply-To, Cc, and Bcc
- JSON Response Messages
- Use of Sender and Return-Path
- Sending Inline Attachments
- Examples using Python
- Returns contact information
- List invalid contacts
- Create or update a contact
- Invalidate a contact
- Send an email
- Send an email to a single recipient with HTML URI
- Send an email to a single recipient with HTML inline
- Send an email to a single recipient with raw HTML inline
- Send an email to a single recipient with inline XML
- Send an email to more than one recipient with HTML URI
- List global variables and their values
- Create global variables
- Delete global variables
- List campaigns
- Create a group
- List filters
- Revalidate contact list
- Save EML file of a sent email
- DMDS API REST v1 Examples with nodejs
- Returns contact information
- List invalid contacts
- Create or update a contact
- Invalidate a contact
- Send an email
- Send an email to a single recipient with HTML URI
- Send an email to a single recipient with HTML inline
- Send an email to more than one recipient with HTML inline
- List global variables and their values
- Create global variables
- List campaigns
- Create a group
- List filters
- DMDS API REST v1 Examples with PHP
- Returns contact information
- List invalid contacts
- List global variables and their values
- List campaigns
- Create or update a contact
- Invalidate a contact
- Send an email
- Send an email to a single recipient with HTML URI
- Send an email to a single recipient with HTML inline
- Send an email to more than one recipient with HTML URI
- Send an email to more than one recipient with HTML inline
- Create global variables
- Create a group
- List filters
- Add a phone number to a contact
- Send SMS
- DMDS API REST v1.5 Documentation using Postman
- Download Postman for Windows
- Changes from v1.4 to v1.5: number of events and paginated events
- Event Query
- Changes from v1.3 to v1.4: archiving of sent emails (requires archiving license)
- Changes from v1.2 to v1.3 - Whitelisting
- Changes from v1.1 to v1.2 - API version
- Get API Version
- Changes from v1.0 to v1.1 - Revalidate and Invalidate
- Contact Whitelist
- Return contact information
- List invalid contacts
- Create or update a contact
- Associate one or more bases with a new or existing contact
- Set field values for a new or existing contact
- Invalidate a contact (introduced in v1.1)
- Revalidate a contact (introduced in v1.1)
- Send an email to a single recipient with html uri
- Send an email to a single recipient with inline html
- Send an email to multiple recipients with html uri
- Send an email to more than one recipient with inline html
- Campaign APIKEYs
- List campaigns
- Create a Campaign
- Create a group
- List filters
- List global variables and their values
- Create global variables
- Delete global variables
- Use of Reply-To, Cc, and Bcc
- JSON Response Messages
- Use of Sender and Return-Path
- Gestion de Contactos
- Campos reservados
- Incoming Email Verifications
- SPF, DKIM, and DMARC Records
- How to add a contact in Gmail
- Integration of AVAS with Microsoft 365
- MX Records Verification
- MS-Exchange with insufficient resources to receive mail
- Mail Rejections
- Integration of Planisys AVAS with Google Workspace
- ‘Como evitar adjuntos con winmail.dat
- Preguntas Frecuentes
- ¿Cómo puedo ver los encabezados de emails?
- ¿Hay un límite de correos que pueda enviar por día?
- ¿Cómo puedo redireccionar mis correos de una cuenta a otra?
- ¿Como configuro la autorrespuesta o respuesta automatica por vacaciones?
- ¿Cómo puedo cambiar la clave de mi cuenta de correo electrónico?
- ¿Se puede recibir cualquier extensión de archivo?
- ¿Cuál es el tamaño permitido para recibir un correo?
- ¿Cual es el tamaño máximo permitido de un archivo adjunto?
- Planimail
- lISPConfig Hosting Control Panel
- Manual de ISPConfig
- Configuraciones PHP
- Configuraciones de directivas Nginx
- Logs del website
- Cómo instalar WordPress
- Instrucciones básicas
- Instrucciones detalladas
- Usando phpMyAdmin
- Cómo proteger el Login a WordPress.
- Cambiar url de WordPress via phpmyadmin
- Nginx logs via SSH
- Configuración de directivas Nginx en ISPConfig
- Directivas de seguridad para sitios Wordpress
- PHP Configuration in ISPConfig
- Recomendaciones para sitios en produccion
- Advanced PHP Parameters
- Opciones de Seguridad
- Creating an info.php File with phpinfo()
- Recommendation: Security for the info.php file
- Configuración de PHP en ISPConfig
- Descomprimir archivos utilizando un usuario Shell
- Duplicar un sitio web
- Subir y bajar archivos por FTP desde FileZilla
- Programar backups desde ISPConfig
- Backup via FTP
- Delegate domains to Planisys
- Introduction to PDNS
- PDNS Deployments
- High Availability Architectures
- Integration with CRM
- Response Policy Zones
- Unified statistics of the resolvers
- Top 100 RPZ Hits Report
- How to configure Mikrotik to direct port 53 to a DNS with RPZ security
- PDNS API Documentation
- PDNS-API Versions
- Authentication and Methods
- Endpoints v2.0
- Retrieving permitted blocks for resolvers (GET)
- Retrieving activated RPZ zones (GET, v2.0)
- Retrieving domain list (GET, v2.0)
- Retrieving the SOA of a domain (GET, v2.0)
- Retrieve Resource Records of a domain (GET)
- Delete a Resource Record by ID (DELETE)
- Create a Resource Record (POST)
- Modify a Resource Record by ID (PUT)
- Retrieve ACLs of a Reseller (GET)
- Endpoints v2.1
- Retrieve list of Companies (GET)
- Retrieve Company data (GET)
- Modification of Company data (PUT)
- Creation of a Company (POST)
- Deletion of a Company (DELETE)
- Creation of a master zone (POST)
- Change of SOA or company of a zone (PUT)
- Reverse master zone
- Creation of a slave zone (POST)
- Suspension and Resumption of a zone (PUT)
- Deletion of a zone (DELETE)
- Endpoints v2.2
- REST API ejemplos con Postman
- Obtención de bloques permitidos para resolvers (GET)
- Obtención de zonas RPZ activadas (GET, v2.0)
- Obtención de lista de dominios (GET, v2.0)
- Obtención del SOA de un dominio (GET, v2.0)
- Obtener Resource Records de un dominio (GET)
- Borrar un Resource Record por ID (DELETE)
- Crear un Resource Record (POST)
- Modificar un Resource Record por ID (PUT)
- Obtener ACLs de un Reseller (GET)
- Obtencion de lista de Empresas (GET)
- Obtencion de datos de una Empresa (GET)
- Modificacion de datos de una Empresa (PUT)
- Creacion de una Empresa (POST)
- Borrado de una Empresa (DELETE)
- Creacion de una zona master (POST)
- Cambio de SOA o empresa de una zona (PUT)
- Zona master reversa
- Suspensionn y Reanudacion de una zona (PUT)
- Borrado de una zona (DELETE)
- Latency Improvements for ISPs
- Planisys Multi-Factor-Authentication (MFA)
- ACLs
- Step-by-step guide to creating an ACL
- DNS-over-TLS y DNS-over-HTTPS
- Some Support Tips
- This section is only for SuperAdmin users